
Donations to "Silent Gays" may now be made on Givealittle

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Joined in 2012
March 1, 2015, 18:57


You may now donate towards Jim Marjoram's "Silent Gays" organization via Givealittle. "We'll Make Cents" has set up a cause page there to raise $1000 NZ towards the "Silent Gays". (With Jim Marjoram's blessing)

Thank you!

Joined in 2005
March 20, 2015, 23:35


Thanks for the link – they seem worth supporting

From the site !

Silent Gays is a support organisation specifically for LGBT adults and youth who are silently struggling in oppressive religious situations. It provides online resources via a website, an open Facebook group for general discussion (articles, issues, news etc), and a "secret" Facebook group that provides a safe, secure and non-judgemental place for people to share their hearts – the pain, shame, guilt and abuse, with others on similar paths through reconciling religion with their sexuality and gender identity. There is no particular religious bias, and open discussions about spirituality and how religion has affected and influenced us is encouraged. Small groups are also being established in neutral locations such as cafés, where face to face sharing and support can be extremely beneficial.

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